Advertorial – ASB Ryerson


To create a one-page advertorial for the company of our choice.


The company I based this design off of is ASB Ryerson. ASB Ryerson is a student group at Ryerson University that runs one-month volunteer trips to countries around the world every spring.

I volunteered with them for two years while at Ryerson and had the time of my life on the trips to India and Nepal. Their trips lead me to travel after the one month volunteer placements to many other countries as well.

I used InDesign to pull all of these pieces together into a cohesive layout concept design. By using a grid I was able to lay out the page with a good amount of white space and breathing room for the text in the margins of the page. I played around with the text sizing between heading, subheading and body text to create visual hierarchy within the piece.

I wrote the copy for this advertorial based on my own experiences travelling with ASB Ryerson. I included a photo I had taken in Ireland as the featured image for this ad.